A Tribute To My Wife's Grandpa, Charlie May

Recently, my wife discovered her grandfather's health was failing him quickly, so she hopped on a plane to California this past Saturday with our five youngest children to be with him & her family.
She got to see him as soon as she got off the plane and less than 24 hours later, he passed away.
Charlie May was part of the 'Greatest Generation' that was born & raised in the most tumultuous era of our nation that included the Great Depression & World War II while serving in the Air Force and providing for his family which included six children.
Charlie May was part of the 'Greatest Generation' that was born & raised in the most tumultuous era of our nation that included the Great Depression & World War II while serving in the Air Force and providing for his family which included six children.
He worked hard traveling across the country and even abroad taking on a position in England for a period.
He and his survived wife, Jody, of over 50 years, shared a wonderful marriage together and were friends to many in the Palos Verdes community.
Charlie personally took an interest in our kids often dropping by the house just to say 'Hi' & visit.
He was a great source of wisdom personally to my wife and I, giving us advice and wise counsel when we needed it. I remember he and Jody took Ali and I once to the Admiral Risty restaurant when we were debating whether to move to Boise, Idaho years ago as our son was considering attending Boise State.
After we were done peppering him with a ton of questions, he wisely asked us, "What if you relocate there and once your kids are old enough to be independent, they move back to California?" We never thought of that possibility and quickly nixed the idea of moving to Idaho.
Charlie May invested his time into our boys, taking them to air shows, introducing them to his friend Chuck Yeager, treating us every year to the Men's Club Christmas breakfast at the PV Country Club, and just sitting on the couch asking questions about what is going on in our lives.
He was an outgoing, friendly, caring Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather. He will be missed and leaves quite a legacy behind him.
He lived to age 97 and I listed a few qualities that I personally believe led to his longevity.
- He harbored no resentment towards anyone. He never had a critical word to say about anybody.
- He was always busy and active. Out and about. On the go. Moving around. Visiting others. Not the type to let the grass grow underneath his feet.
- He lived with purpose. Investing into his family. Passing on what he learned from life.
- He laughed a lot and made others laugh. A cheerful heart is good medicine.
- He was a committed and faithful husband. Strong marriage. They were best of Friends.
We can learn a lot from those older than us. I have learned much from Charlie May and would like to model these qualities more in my life as well.
Dr. Derek 'we will miss you, Charlie May' Taylor
PS- Do you or someone you know suffer with knee pain? Are you unable to enjoy the hobbies, activities or outdoors you once did prior to your knee pain? Would you like to finally get rid of your knee pain without the use of drugs, injections or surgery? If you answered, 'yes', to any of these questions, make sure to join us in our upcoming DINNER WORKSHOP:
"How to Eliminate Your Knee Pain Without Drugs, Injections, or Surgery!"
When: Tuesday February 22nd, 2022
Time: 6:30pm
Where: South End Tennis club banquet room
The event is FREE and DINNER will be served, but space is limited!
Call Danni or Heather at (310) 891-0102 to reserve your spot TODAY!