When we moved into our house 17 years ago, one of the first things I set out to do was plant fruit trees throughout the property.
Having fruit trees surround the house serves many purposes, but the main goal I had in mind was the future joy of watching my kids pick fresh, organic fruit off the trees to enjoy.
It was one of the best investments I have made.
Each year, the trees seem to do something different. One year there will be a banner crop, but the next year there will be very little to no fruit at all.
Over the past few years, our kumquat tree has been very disappointing.
Little to no fruit has come forth and we have not been able to enjoy the trees benefits.
However, when I looked at it the other day, I discovered tons of beautiful, white blooms all throughout the tree. It appears that we may have the best crop yet in just a few short months!
When I thought about why there were so many blooms on the tree, I realized that I have been casually feeding it with an organic plant food I bought from the nursery years ago.
I recalled that the last time we had bushel of fruit from the tree, was the year I put a pile of compost around it.
It dawned on me that the trees in my backyard are just responding to the soil that they are planted in.
The more you invest in the soil with food, fertilizer, and nutrients, the greater chance your trees will produce an abundant crop for you to enjoy.
The same goes for your health.
The more you feed your body with high density, organic nutrients, the better your body will function.
Yesterday, a patient came in elated to tell me that her tinnitus has improved quite a bit when she followed the instructions, we gave her to clean up her diet.
She could not believe the immediate connection she discovered with certain foods she was eating with a specific symptom she was experiencing.
The change in her eating pattern created a change in how she felt.
So how can you apply this little health principle in your life today?
Start making better choices in what you eat.
Move away from the grains and foods that come out of a package, box, or can, and move towards more fresh, organic produce and natural foods.
Eat at least three large servings of fresh, green & leafy organic greens with vegetables, along with some lean protein on top of it, then notice how you feel afterwards.
In fact, start paying attention to how you feel after every meal, and you will start seeing the connection of how your foods influence your health.
If you want to feel GREAT, then you need to feed your body GREAT.
You reap what you sow, so you might as well start sowing HEALTHY seeds today for a BOUNTIFUL crop tomorrow!
PS- Dr. T-Oren and his Natural Skin Clinic will be back in town on Tuesday September 22, 2020 from 9am-12pm. If you are looking to have any moles, skin tags, keratosis' melanoma's, etc removed naturally and effectively, you don't want to miss out on this opportuinty. Click here for more details. Call our office today at 310-891-0102 or Click here to reserve your spot.