The other day, my wife asked me to look for our youngest kids who were chasing squirrels in the yard.
I went out back and came across this scene where my 10-year-old and 3-year-old were sitting and hiding in the bushes trying to catch a squirrel with their very own home-made squirrel trap. (See above)
It was quite a contraption with a single nut in the middle of the trap as bait to catch the squirrel.
After about 10 minutes of waiting, my 3-year-old saunters in the house and says, "I don't want to catch squirrels anymore." My 10-year-old shortly followed suit.
About 20 minutes later, my 7-year-old son came back to check the trap and screams…" Titus, the nut is missing!!!"
While they were gone in the house, apparently, a creature, most likely a squirrel came to the trap, grabbed the nut, and enjoyed a tasty morsel of a snack.
They couldn't believe they missed their opportunity.
Many times, patients lose patience on their journey to optimal health.
Just like my kids who gave up too soon to catch the squirrel, patients give up too soon in experiencing amazing health.
They go on a diet for a few weeks, don't lose the weight they wanted and go back to eating the way that put an additional 20 lbs. on them.
They start an exercise program, but the tyranny of the urgent rears its ugly head and takes over, leaving no time to exercise anymore.
They vow to cut out the carbs, maybe even go gluten free, but they don't see fast results and say, "Why bother? Why am I working so hard when it doesn't seem to be working?"
Good health is process that takes time. It takes time for your cells to regenerate. It takes time for your tissues to heal. It takes time for your organs to function the way they were supposed to function.
In addition, the more we age, the longer it takes to recover, to rejuvenate, to regenerate.
Here's the takeaway: Whether you are trying to regain your health from an illness, recover from an injury or re-target your aim to slow down the aging process you MUST understand the process of achieving optimal wellness takes time.
Each activity, each habit, each wise choice you make towards healthy living builds on each other and will help you get to your destination of optimal wellness.
Keep investing, learning, striving to keep your body and mind tuned up to help you become the most robust, energetic, and healthiest person you can be.
Life is too short to live any other way.
Have a Great Thursday!
Dr. Derek 'Never give up. Never. Never. Never' Taylor
PS- In 19 days, I look forward to seeing many of you at our next dinner workshop titled,
"How to Eliminate Knee and Foot Pain without Drugs, Injections or Surgery!" It's going to be a great time as we are putting together a talk we have never done before. We also hope to have a special gift for you there as well that you are going to love.
When: Tuesday October 19, 2021
Time: 6:30pm
Where: South End Tennis club banquet room
Cost: No Charge
PSS- Dr. T Oren will be having his Natural Skin Clinic two days later Thursday October 21 at our clinic from 9:00am-12:00pm. If you want to have your Moles, Skin Tags, Keratosis removed naturally without surgery, this is a must clinic for you to attend. Spaces are limited so register now with our office at 310-891-0102 to reserve your spot.