Last weekend I had the opportunity to fly out and visit my family in Florida.
What an unforgettable time! Here's why:
- It was wonderful to see my family enjoying the little things of life: Spending time together, playing pickle-ball together, laughing together, going to church together, sharing meals together (my mom made some great meals!). So great to enjoy daily life with them over the weekend.
- Having great conversation with them as well was such an unforgettable highlight. Learning about their lives, hearing about all they were up to. Catching up and all the small talk as well. Hearing about their joys as well as their trials and how the grace of God strengthened them during those times.
- Lastly, it was exciting to hear about their goals, dreams and aspirations in life regarding their health- Physically, relationally, spiritually. Hearing all of this concluded the trip on a joyful note!
It made me think about you all... The wonderful people we are privileged to serve.
Maybe you are trying to leap over a tall obstacle in your health?
Maybe you are struggling to overcome a painful condition?
Maybe you have a big health goal but just don't quite know how to get there?
Maybe you are so excited about improving your health but don't quite know where to start?
Here's what I would recommend:
- Start cherishing and expressing thankfulness for the little things in your daily life. That nice warm bed where you can get a great night's sleep. The healthy anti-inflammatory foods in your fridge that you can fuel your body with. The nice warm sunshine that boosts your mood and vitamin-D levels.
- Surround yourself with people who you can have encouraging conversations with. Good friends that you can catch up with. Family members who will listen to you. Trusted professionals that will offer beneficial health advice.
- With the above principles as your foundation- Write down your health goals... As well as all the little habits to start incorporating into your daily life. Then get to work and ask for assistance and accountability along the way!
Keep up the great work! And don't forget to rest and de-stress along the way...
Oh by the way...
Go and wish Dr. Derek Taylor a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today is his actual birthday!
He didn't want me to announce it out of humility but I couldn't resist telling you all what a blessing he is to my mom, siblings, and all the patients who have been under his wonderful care! Be sure to visit his office next time you are in West Palm Beach Florida!
Beyond grateful and blessed to have you as my dad! Love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
And to you all...
Dr. Hudson Taylor
P.S.- SAVE THE DATE- On Monday, February 13th, ALL DAY we are hosting our annual Valentine's Day SPECIAL!
Bring your loved ones in for a detailed health analysis and luxurious hydrotherapy massage for a $47 New Patient Special! We CAN'T WAIT to see you! You all will receive a LOVELY gift!
P.P.S. - Are you or a loved one noticing discomfort in your knees? Have you had knee surgery, injections, or trauma to your knee at some point in the past? Would you like to improve the longevity of your knees? If you answered, 'Yes' to any of the questions above, you don't want to miss out on our first Knee Workshop of the year:
"How to Eliminate Your Knee Pain, without the use of Drugs, Injections or Surgery!"
When: Thursday, February 16th, 2023 @ 6:30PM
Where: South End Tennis Club (Banquet Room) ~ 2800 Skypark Dr. Torrance, CA 90505
Why: To learn how to improve the longevity of your knees, reduce levels of pain and get back to doing the activities/hobbies you love to do most without having to resort to drugs, injections, or surgery. If your knees could talk, they would beg you to go to this workshop:)
RSVP by replying to this e-mail or call the office at 310-891-0102 to reserve your seat.