The other night my wife noticed that I was not acting my normal self.
I was more irritable, withdrawn, and distant.
I knew I needed to talk things out and, in the process, she helped me discover that I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed about all the projects I oversaw around the house.
Namely the painting of the outside of our house.
"I can't wait till this is all done." I told her.
She pointed out to me that I had the wrong attitude.
You know, the erroneous idea that I would be able to get on with my life in about two months when everything was finished.
Then she said something that completely changed my perspective.
She said, "Don't make the mistake of missing out on life during doing these projects. Life is not about getting to your destination but enjoying the journey in the process."
I had become a drill sergeant to my kids because all I was focused on was completing the task at hand.
When I realized that I did not have to wait to get on with life after the project was done, but could enjoy it during the process, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
My focus was no longer making sure my kids helped me finish the project on time, but rather to enjoy the process of teaching them to paint while having them experience the satisfaction of transforming the exterior of the house.
Sometimes a shift in focus, a change of attitude, a different perspective can alleviate unnecessary stress that we put on ourselves.
Breaking away for a short period of time to process your emotions can do wonders for your health.
A walk in your neighborhood, a quick visit at the beach, sitting out in the backyard, whatever you do to clear your head and reset the brain can pay big dividends in making life a little lighter.
What attitude shift do YOU need to make today to lift any needless burdens you are carrying?
Have a GREAT Thursday!
Dr. Derek Taylor
PS- Dr. T-Oren will be back in town on Tuesday September 22, 2020 from 9am-12pm for his natural skin clinic. Click here for more details. Call our office today at 310-891-0102 or Click here to reserve your spot.